Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Visit From Grampa

Visit From Grampa

This is Melanie, Dinah's second daughter. I thought I would write on mom's blog about this occurrence because it doesn't really go with my Traveling Blog. I also want to say that your dearly departed loved-ones are still around you and they still love you and want to help you.

My grandfather, when he was alive, lived in Chicago. He was a quiet man, a good man. He used to do concrete for a living. He helped to build the Sear's Tower. Everyone who knew him respected and loved him. My mother loved him immensely. He used to smoke Pall Mall cigarettes. He loved smoking so much that instead of taking a plane to North Carolina to visit us, he would take a train. That way, he could smoke all the way down from Chicago. I remember Grampa as a loving grandfather who was really tall. I think about 6'4" and really thick hair that was unmanageable and stuck straight up in the air all the time. :-) We miss him terribly.

Just after Halloween, my mother decided to decorate her altar with pictures of grampa. Mom said to herself, "Gosh, I wish I had a Pall Mall cigarette to put on the altar for Dad." But where would she get them. No one smokes Pall Malls and certainly she didn't want to buy a whole pack since she doesn't smoke. But she was going to buy them after work that day anyway to put on the altar. After arriving at work, a new family came into the shop. There was a younger man there, maybe 30 years old. He said that he found our store on the internet and his mother used to love our kind of store before she passed away.  Then Mom saw them out of the corner of her eyes...PALL MALLS!! She said to the man, "Have you always smoked Pall Mall cigarettes?" He said, "No. These were just the cheapest cigarettes that the store had." She said, "Can I have one?" He said, "You know, I was getting out of my car, and just before I got out, I grabbed my cigarettes and I don't know why, because I know you can't smoke in here. I must have brought them for you." And he gave mom a cigarette.

Mom put the Pall Mall on the altar that night, not even telling the rest of us what had happened at the shop. Later that night, mom babysat my son, Tiziano. When I got home, she said, "Tizi and I were playing on the computer, and all of a sudden I saw a big shadow and it went right threw me." She didn't say anything to Tizi because she didn't want to scare him and she didn't know if he noticed anyway. But she was so happy she new it was her dad. Then just after it happened, Tizi turned around on mom's lap and said, "Did you see that?" Mom asked him "What?" He said he saw big shadow and it went right threw us and down the hallway. He was afraid. Mom didn't want to say it was a spirit or a ghost. She said that was your great grandfather and he's an angel. Then mom ran out to Bill and said, "We just had a visit from Dad in the office." Bill said, "I knew he was here. I have been smelling his cigarettes now for two hours."

We were all so happy to get a visit from Grampa. I have felt Grampa around me for days and I believe he is still guiding me now.

Build an altar for someone you love that you want a visit or guidance from. They will come. The universe will shift it's energies and bring them to you if you truly want them to visit.

Big Hugs and Bright Blessings,


Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Son's Custom Made Goggles

Jacob's (my son's) Custom Made Goggles

Send your emails to meestastout@yahoo.com for more details or questions about custom designs.

Big Hugs and Bright Blessings,


Painted an antique copper color, with a black wash for added "age". Decorated with antique copper brads. On one side you can see an ace of spades adornment. On the other side you can see a Pair of Dice dangling adornment. 

The goggles come with clear glass lenses, and dark green lenses. The clear lenses are visible here. (clearly!)

The green lenses are very dark, and aren't recommended for indoor use (unless you like stubbing your toes).

Also shown are the metallic blue goggles with antique silver brads for decoration. Seen here with clear lenses and dark green lenses.This pair features matching star adornments.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November Horoscope from Dinah's Dreams

Some consider this month to be the new year. This full moon, make a wish for prosperity, love, happiness, and good health.

Click here for your November Horoscope.

Big Hugs and Bright Blessings,


This is my Halloween picture. :-) My daughter says angels are all around me.